
Revision as of 03:54, 22 April 2009 by Ninjamask (talk | contribs)
The description is missing or severely incomplete.
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Note: Dynamic is just a placeholder for the 3 categories below; you can't add it to anime.


Plot Continuity

Plot Continuity indicates the presentation pattern of the anime (episodic vs. serial), as in:

  • Are all the episodes part of the big story?
    → Complete plot continuity, a serial, vote: ***
Example: El Hazard: The Magnificent World
  • Or do some episodes contain a separate story and some (in most cases the final episodes) continue the same plot?
    → The more serial elements the anime has, the more stars (*) you should use, vote: + to **+
Example: Trigun
  • Or do all the episodes contain a separate story?
    → The anime is strictly episodic. Do not set the category at all!
Example: Lucky Star


Stereotypes indicates that there are many characters with known and stereotypical personalities in the anime, e.g. there is the klutz, the quiet girl, the intellectual girl with glasses, the rich arrogant girl, etc. Generally this is seen in bishoujo (harem) anime to satisfy fetishes, but not always so. The category has no connection to plot elements, only to characters.

Examples: Futakoi, Tonagura!, UFO Princess Valkyrie


Twisted indicates more than one abrupt change in plot or story. This derivation from strict linear storytelling usually makes these anime hard to follow, and at times even very confusing when several parallel plots intertwine.

Examples: Innocence, Shinseiki Evangelion, Texhnolyze
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